Columbia University (1919-1924)

Curricula: What course of study did you follow at the University, i.e., what subjects did you take and what textbooks did you use? What topics and problems in modern physics were particularly emphasized? Who were the most influential teachers? How did you choose your thesis topic?
General Work: During your Universit3r training there occurred many developments which in retrospect have been of the greatest importance in the growth of modem physics. We are very much interested to learn of the immediate reactions of people to the first announcements of these discoveries. What can you tell us about the reactions of yourself, fellow students and teachers to events such as:
The Stern-Gerlach experiment
The Compton effect
de Broglie's thesis
The Bohr-Kramers-Slater theory
Kratners Dispersion theory
The Burger-Dorgelo sum rule


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